Monday, August 24, 2009

Cocky vs. Confidence

I was thinking about my last post about Usain bolt, some say he is a little too cocky, and I might agree. As I stated in my last post, I was a little pissed when he turned to the crowd before the finish line. Sure he was ahead and still broke a world record, but imagine what his time would have been if he finished the race without turning?

Don’t get me wrong, Usain bolt is a great athlete!!

But, I would have to say there is a big difference between being cocky and having confidence.

Cocky is bold, brash, and brazen along with sassy and saucy. There is self-confidence well hidden under the behavior but it manifests itself rudely most of the time.

Self-confidence is confidence in oneself and in one’s powers and abilities. It’s being secure and having assurance in oneself. Self-confidence is classy.

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