Tuesday, August 11, 2009

No person is 100% right 100% of the time

No person is 100% right 100% of the time

I was reading a post on Craig Ballantyne’s blog the other day and something stuck out in one of the comments a person made in his post “Daily mail plan & 7 day diet”. (FYI: CB is the author of “Turbulence Training”, a great fat loss workout manual full of good info!!) If you don’t know who he is check him out!!

Anyway, this is not really about CB, its more about a person’s comment on his post. Now first off I am all about eating healthy and taking care of my body. I try to eat organic foods, I stay away from junk food/ processed food, but I do enjoy eating desert once in a while, I just don’t go overboard. I do not eat red meat (almost 6 years now). And I stay away from most dairy (bad allergy) soy milk is my choice of milk, and my new drink is almond milk and I love it (really, why almond and not soy?)

Anyway back to my rant about the comment, It stated:

1. Do not microwave your food!

2. Do not eat chocolate!

3. Do not eat ANY dairy! (Cow cheese= bad, something about snot in the body?) But goat cheese is ok…personally I like them both.

4. Do not drink from a blue cup on Tuesdays? (Ok, I made this one up:)

To me it’s all crap!! It’s about living healthy and eating right! If you want to have a slice of cake at your friends B-Day, go for it! Have a glass of beer with the guys go for it! Most things in moderation are ok; it’s when you’re drinking a 12 pack of beer every night and a 3 slices of cake for desert that things are getting out of control.

In a perfect response to the post “The bottom line about longevity is this: Avoid smoking, avoid obesity, avoid addictions, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and stay active and at a healthy weight”

The point is cheating is not going to kill you, overall you need to live a healthy lifestyle, if you’re on a diet and you hate that diet, how long do you think you’re going to stay on that diet till you jump ship?

Just remember:
-Nothing in excess
-Eat your fruit and veggies
-Exercise regularly. Hit the gym, Walk you dog, play with your kids, just do something!
-Cut the Tobacco
-Have fun! Live life and laugh often!

Brian Van Hook, CSCS

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