Friday, October 16, 2009

Exercises of the week: Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

Single Leg-Romanian Deadlift (RDL)

Muscles Used: Hamstrings, gluteals, adductors

Most people know about RDL (Romanian Deadlift), but have you ever tried them single leg? Not only does it strengthen the hamstrings to a high degree, but it works on dynamic balance, dynamic flexibility and strengthens your adductors as well. Just don’t get too crazy with the weight, because this exercise is way harder than it looks! Every time I show one of my athletes how to perform this exercise they always want to use a heaver weight, I tell them to keep it light and tell me how your butt feels tomorrow, every time they come in the day after they are complaining how they hurt every time they sit on the toilet! So remember to start out with light weights (5-10lbs BD in each hand to start) balance will be the hardest thing at first!

Hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of your body and raise one of your legs. The weight should be on the heel and the chest elevated. From this position, keep your free leg straight and swing it back while lowering the dumbbells down to the top of your opposite foot. Return to the top and repeat.

When you get good at these, try to keep your swing leg off the ground throughout the entire set.


-Don't stand on a platform for this exercise in an effort to increase your range of motion. If you bend over too far or if the dumbbells hit the ground, you could alter your form.

-This exercises is very awkward at first. If you can't use heavy weight initially, just focus on form and the poundage will increase with time.

-Vary the amount of bend in your front leg. Varying the knee angle will place slightly different emphasis on certain areas of the legs and glutes. Just keep that bend consistent throughout the motion.

-Allow the front leg to "split the uprights" with your arms. The dumbbells should remain an inch or two away from the sides of the working leg. Your upper body will be slightly turned toward this leg.

***Single Leg exercises are a great addition to an athletic performance training program when done correctly. Being a past offensive lineman myself I can reassure you singe leg strength is key for lateral movement on the line of scrimmage!!

Brian Van Hook
Las Vegas Strength Training